St. Francis Area Schools
Early Childhood Family Center
18900 Cedar Drive NW
Oak Grove, MN 55011
Jennifer Dupre
Program Supervisor
Office: 763-753-7170
Fax Number: 763-753-7738
Absentee Line: 763-753-7183
Like us on St. Francis Area Schools Early Childhood Facebook page
What are the program options?
Daytime classes: Weekly parent & child time with your babies, toddlers, two-year-olds, preschoolers (many with sibling care)
Evening classes: Weekly parent & child time with your toddlers, birth to five-year-olds
Special events: Families with new babies, Let's Play Together, center events, field trips
Short summer camps
Each class is about two hours in length
What happens at weekly ECFE parent/child sessions?
Time together: Parent and children explore a variety of activities planned by a licensed Early Childhood teacher. Activities have been selected to support the growth and development of the children based on the Minnesota Early Childhood Indicators of Progress for young children.
Time for play: Children practice and discover their own capabilities by experimenting with materials, playing with other children, and trying out toys appropriate for their age.
Time for parents: While the children are busy playing, you have an opportunity to meet with other parents and gain support. A licensed parent educator will lead the group and share information about parenting issues, child development, and resources based on the Minnesota Parent Education Core Curriculum Framework.
What are the fees?
Fees are listed in Learn & Thrive and Places to Go, Things to Do. A sliding fee scale and waivers are available for Parent/Child weekly classes and selected special events.
Who are the people working in the program?
All educators in ECFE are licensed by the MN Department of Education. Instructor Assistants and Sibling Care providers receive training and in-service opportunities including CPR.
How can I be an involved parent?
Become a member of the Early Childhood Advisory Council. The Council meets about once a month to offer recommendations and to plan activities for young children and parents in our community. Child care is provided during the meetings. For more information, contact Jennifer Dupre, Program Supervisor at 763-753-7171.
How do I register my child?
You can register online, or at the Early Childhood office.
ELEYO Account Set Up
Managing Your ELEYO Online Account
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) is a place where parents and young children from birth to age 5 learn and play together and can meet other families with young children. St. Francis Area Schools ECFE program believes that all families deserve support, information and opportunities to be involved in their children’s learning. No one will be denied participation in parent/child sessions due to inability to pay. A sliding fee scale is available.
For Stepping Stones registration, see Preschool Place 15