Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS): Foundational Beliefs 

Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), formerly Response to Intervention (RtI), is a framework of instruction that provides support to ALL students to ensure mastery of grade-level content standards. The tiers of MTSS provide varying levels of support for students who are struggling to reach mastery as well as those to exceed grade-level. 

MTSS provides a framework that incorporates screening, progress monitoring and data-based decision making to provide effective instruction. 

MTSS and RtI are viewed as similar concepts by the Minnesota Legislature; however, since 2012, education leaders have witnessed a systematic movement away from RtI toward MTSS. 

There are four critical components that guide the MTSS framework in St. Francis Area Schools. These components are Critical responsibility, Concentrated instruction, Convergent assessment, Certain access.

1. Critical responsibility: All stakeholders believe they are responsible for ensuring that each student learns at a high level. 

2. Concentrated instruction: Curriculum is developed based on identified essential learning. Personalized learning paths are developed in order for each student to attain a high level of mastery. 

3. Convergent assessment: The systemic use of data to determine the learning needs of each student and monitoring the effectiveness of instruction in regards to meeting those needs. 

4. Certain access: There is an articulated process that guarantees each student with the support and time he/she needs in order to learn at high levels. 

View the complete MTSS 2024-25 Handbook (PDF)

MTSS Handbook