How old does my child have to be to attend Summer Kids Connection?
Summer Kids Connection offers care to any student 4 years old, or a through the completion of Grade 5.
What time do you open? What time do you close?
Kids Connection opens at 6:00 am and closes at 6:00 pm.
Do I have to come into the building with my child?
Yes. All children must be signed in by an authorized individual when arriving in the morning. All children must be signed out by an authorized individual in the evening when leaving Kids Connection.
How do you know who can pick up my child?
When you register, you are asked to fill out an emergency card. Any person listed on the emergency card may pick up your child. ANY PERSON PICKING UP A CHILD MUST PRESENT A PHOTO ID.
Do I have to call Kids Connection if my child will be absent?
Yes. Please let us know if your child will not be attending if it is a regularly scheduled day for them.
Do I have to notify Kids Connection if I need to add a day?
Yes. Additional days can be added on a space availability basis.
Can I pay with a credit card or ACH payment?
Yes. You may sign up for automatic payment. We can bill your credit/debit card or ACH payments on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. You may also personally pay online with a credit card or ACH payment. If your account is new, you will receive your login information once you are registered.
When are payments due? What are the fees?
Payments are due Fridays bi-weekly/monthly for the following two weeks/month of attendance. Fees vary depending on the age of your child and how many days of care you will be using per week. The summer activity fee will help to offset the costs of field trips, additional on site activities and the summer T-shirt. Kids Connection Summer Contract Tuition payments which are late will be assessed a $10 late fee per week.
Does Kids Connection serve breakfast? Is a snack served after school?
Yes. Before summer begins, we ask each family to provide 1 box/bag of cold cereal per child to supplement the food offered by Kids Connection. Kids Connection provides milk and fruit. Kids Connection provides a daily afternoon snack. If your child does not like what we are serving, they are welcome to bring their own.
Can I get a schedule of all the field trips for the summer?
We will announce the weekly plans one week prior. To ensure the proper staffing ratios, Kids Connection does not release the field trip dates in advance. Any child not currently registered for the day must ask about space availability for the day. To provide the opportunity for all children to attend a field trip over the summer, field trip days will vary. We will not always go on field trips on the same day of the week. Field trip costs are included in Summer Kids Connection fees. If you choose to send additional money for a field trip, we ask that you not send more than $5-$10. Kids Connection staff are not responsible for lost or spent money.
Can my child stay back from a field trip?
No. If your child is unable to attend the field trip, you may choose to find alternate care for the day. If your child is unable to participate in the field trip but will still be attending Kids Connection for the day, Kids Connection staff will bring alternate activities, if possible, for your child.
Will Kids Connection staff apply sunscreen?
If you would like your child to apply sunscreen while at Kids Connection, you must provide your own bottle. Please label it clearly with your child's name and cover it with clear tape. Aerosol sunscreen is not allowed at Kids Connection. Due to sunscreen allergies, we ask that you provide lotions and creams only. It is difficult to contain the spray of aerosol sunscreen. Kids Connection staff will REMIND children grades 1-6 and will help children apply sunscreen if ASKED. Kids Connection staff will assist children Kindergarten and younger.
Does Kids Connection provide refrigeration for my child's lunch?
Kids Connection does not have enough space to provide refrigeration for all children. Please place ice packs in your child's lunch or provide a lunch that does not require refrigeration.
We forgot our field trip T-shirt. Can I borrow one for the day?
No. You may purchase another T-shirt for $10.00, if there are any extra T-shirts. If time allows you may choose to go home to get your child's T-shirt. If your child arrives at Kids Connection and does not have a field trip T-shirt, Kids Connection cannot provide care for the day.
Why do I need to arrive an hour before departure time?
Kids Connection staff have many things to do prior to departure in preparation for the field trip, such as:
• Sort children into groups and assign a staff member to supervise them
• Pack lunches and beverages; make sure all lunches from home are packed and on the bus
• Apply sunscreen
• Have children use the restrooms
• Call field trip location to confirm attendance numbers for the trip
• Get children changed into swimsuits, if we are going swimming and pack towels.
Will Kids Connection provide care for my child if we do not arrive one hour prior to departure?
No. Kids Connection cannot provide care for the day. You will be charged for the day according to the schedule on our Kids Connection contract.
Do I have to pay for a day if my child is not there?
If you have registered for the day, yes. You are responsible for payment for that day. Kids Connection schedules staff based on the number of children expected to arrive for care on that day. If you are not scheduled for the day, no fees will be applied to your account for that day.
Do I qualify for vacation time?
During the summer months, you are given a calendar and select only the days you need care. If you decide after May 15 that your child will be gone from the program some days, you are able to complete a vacation form. Each family may complete one vacation form per season, thus allowing you to request time off without having to complete a change form. The vacation/absent request form must be completed and returned ten business days prior to the desired requested date(s) off.