My Life Plan
All seniors are expected to complete a meeting with either Ms. Abraham, their counselor, or a counseling intern on what their plan is for after graduation. The goal is to check-in with each student to make sure they have a plan, all the information they may need, all their questions answered, and are ready to go! Students need to remember, it is not the CCCs job to tell them what they should be doing with their life, but it is our job to make sure they have what they need to get there. We are here to help! Below is the link to Ms. Abraham’s Appointment calendar. Please click on the link and then choose a day and time that works best for you! If you prefer to meet with your counselor, please click on the link to bring you to the counseling scheduling page.

All SFHS students are expected to complete the following My Life Plan activities before graduation.
Successful completion of Futures Prep Class (Grade 9)
In this class, students will create a 4-year Ed Plan to refer to when registering for classes each year. This is a useful tool to allow students to be purposeful in their class choices and design a high school program that fits their needs and interests.
College Tours or equivalent activities
Individual College Tours - 11th and 12th-grade students are allotted two excused days of school to visit colleges of their choice each year.
To complete an Individual College Tour please print, fill out and return to Ms. Abraham. College/Military Visit Permission Form
Complete two additional college/career research activities, such as:
Complete a job shadow form and return to Ms. Abraham
Volunteer in area of interest
Complete Senior Exit Survey (May of Senior year)