Students will attend school in person. For students who prefer a fully online option, click this link to learn more about Saints Online.


When will I get to see my schedule?
Schedules are posted online in student’s Infinite Campus accounts.

How do I request to change my schedule?
Prior to the start of the upcoming Trimester Counselors will send out a Schedule Correction form . Students can submit correction requests via this form. We encourage students to review your current schedule at the end of each trimester in Infinite Campus before submitting. The DEADLINE for schedule corrections will be sent out with the form each term. 

Please Note – Counselors and Administration will do their best to address your requests in a timely manner. However, understand that we may not be able to accommodate every submission.

If you do not see the change you requested by the first day of school, it is most likely due to one or more of the following circumstances:

  • Course conflicts with other requirements

  • The course requested is full

  • The course is not offered this year

Other important things to keep in mind:

  • ALL student’s schedules are subject to change up to the first day of school as Counselors and Administrators continue to balance classes and work through your requests

  • Please focus ONLY on The UPCOMING TRIMESTER  requests at this time. 

  • If you have a GAP in your schedule, realize that Counselors and Administration are working on fixing those. There is no need to call or email. You may submit a course request to give an idea of what could fill the gap.

  • DO NOT email schedule requests to your Counselor, their inboxes are incredibly full, and they may not get your request if submitted in that format. Use the form below so we can keep track of requests. 

Where is the Course Catalog located?
The registration guide and other related information can be found at  Course Catalog

Who is my counselor?
Last Names A-Ha: Dereck Buss
Last Names He-O: Erica Campbell
Last Names P-Z: Tammy Sworsky
Visit the Counseling Center webpage for contact information.

What school supplies do I need?
Teachers will advise students on the first day of each trimester what supplies may be needed for their class. Suggested basic supplies are notebooks, folders, pencils, pens, highlighters, a math calculator (TI30 Texas Instruments), and a graphing calculator for Algebra 2, Trigonometry, and Calculus. Some classes have course fees, and all supplies are provided. 

Can I donate school supplies?
Yes you can! St. Francis Area High School is currently accepting donations of single notebooks, folders or blue or black bic pens. Donations can be dropped off in the student union. Thank you!

How are lockers assigned?

  • Students in 9th grade will be assigned lockers in the E-Wing. Locker information will appear on the student’s schedule in Infinite Campus.

  • Students in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade may choose their own lockers AFTER THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL has concluded, Tuesday, September 3, 2:30-3:30 p.m. or on Wednesday, September 4 starting at 7:00 a.m.

  • Generally, students choose lockers in the following areas for each grade level:

    • 9th Grade: Assigned in the E-Wing

    • 10th and 11th Grades: Locker Commons 

    • 12th Grade: Senior Hallway

  • Please report your locker information to your advisory teacher by Monday, September 9.

  • We strongly encourage students to bring a lock from home; however, locks may be purchased for $5 at the Greeter Station and Main Office.

How do I register for school-sponsored activities?
Learn more and register online at the athletics and activities website. Regarding participation or physical forms, questions can be directed to Heidi Antinozzi at 763-213-1508 or

New physical forms can be submitted via:

What is Advisory and Saints Time?

  • Advisory Time occurs every Monday and allows students have time to meet with their advisory teacher. Their advisory teacher remains the same throughout the school year. Additional advisory days are added at the start of each trimester.

  • Saints Time is generally Tuesday through Friday, depending on the weekly schedule. During Saints Time, students may receive assistance from teachers in classes as needed.

  • Advisory/Saints Time is 10:00-10:31 a.m. unless otherwise indicated by the Saints Time calendar.

When are school pictures? 

  • School pictures are typically scheduled on during open house the beginning of each year.

  • Picture retakes are typically held at the beginning of October.

Student IDs will be provided to students following the processing of pictures. Distribution of IDs will be during Advisory. Seniors are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity. There is no charge and no obligation to purchase. Seniors, keep in mind that this is a good backup option for photos and will provide you with a new student ID for your last year of high school. 

How do I obtain a parking pass?

Parking fees will be charged for each trimester ($60 per trimester or $150 if you pay for all 3 Trimesters no later than Sept. 30, 2024). Payment can be made by check issued to St. Francis High School or exact cash. Parking passes are available at the Greeter’s Station or in the Main Office. PSEO/Saints Online students will need to pay $12/per class taken at the high school.

If I have an issue, whom do I contact?

If there is a concern in the classroom, start by contacting the teacher. If concerns persist, involve the school counselor to help advocate and check in. If the issue is still not resolved, contact our assistant principal.

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