St. Francis Learning Center
4111 Ambassador Blvd. NW
St. Francis MN 55070
Main 763-753-7152
Main Fax 763-753-7749
Saints Online is a Minnesota Department of Education accredited online schooling option for students in kindergarten through grade 12 supported by teachers and staff within St. Francis Area Schools. With local support and the flexibility of online classes, many students have found academic success through Saints Online at all grade levels. We understand that schedule flexibility is important to our students and their families. With flexibility in mind, high school age Saints Online students can be enrolled full time online or concurrently with another school within the district (such as St Francis High School or Saints Academy) to choose from the wide range of courses in those areas schools as well.
Online students are supported by their teachers and district student support staff, including a school counselor, special education staff, school health office, and others. Knowing how to best support our online students can be challenging, so we partner with families and students to be as creative as possible with meeting their needs the best we can. For more information on student support, please contact Ben Craig, Alternative Education Program Supervisor or Amy Joseph, St. Francis Learning Center School Counselor.
Elementary (Kindergarten-Grade 5)
Elementary students who choose Saints Online will be enrolled in Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, and Spelling as full-year classes. Students are assigned to one teacher as a point person for all of their classes. Saints Online classes will be at grade level unless a student is placed above grade level in math by a standardized assessment or recommendation from a licensed teacher.
Our Saints Online teachers will help students through phone calls, digital meetings, or in-person meetings at the school that their office is located within the district. Students can work at the time of day that works best for them, even nights and weekends. Teachers will be available during regular school day office hours. Assignment due dates are listed online to help students stay on track with their classes. Students are also allowed to work ahead.
Please review the program's Student Handbook for more information.
Middle School (Grades 6-8)
Middle school students who choose Saints Online will be enrolled in Math, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts as full-year classes. Students in grades 7-8 are assigned to one teacher per subject area as a point person for all of their classes. Students in 6th grade will have one teacher for all subjects as the point person. Saints Online classes will be at grade level unless a student is placed above grade level in math by a standardized assessment or recommendation from a licensed teacher.
Our Saints Online teachers will help students through phone calls, digital meetings, or in-person meetings at the school that their office is located within the district. Students can work at the time of day that works best for them, even nights and weekends. Teachers will be available during regular school day office hours. Assignment due dates are listed online to help students stay on track with their classes. Students are also allowed to work ahead.
Please review the program's Student Handbook for more information.
High School Students (Grades 9-12)
October 2022 Update: Saints Online is now approved for NCAA core courses! Division I and Division II athletes can now take core courses through Saints Online and have them count towards their eligibility.
High school students who choose Saints Online will be enrolled in courses required for graduation standards to be met and elective options. Graduation requirements for all high school programs in St. Francis Area Schools are the same. These requirements allow schools to work together to meet a student’s educational goals. Students also collaborate with a school counselor to ensure that they are on track for graduation, especially if they choose to be concurrently enrolled in more than one program.
Our Saints Online teachers will help students through phone calls, digital meetings, or in-person meetings at the school that their office is located within the district. Students can work at the time of day that works best for them, even nights and weekends. Teachers will be available during regular school day office hours. Assignment due dates are listed online to help students stay on track with their classes. Students are also allowed to work ahead.
Please review the program's Student Handbook for more information.
Concurrent Enrollment Policies
(Grades 9-12)
Saints Online students who wish to be enrolled in more than one high school program (be concurrently enrolled PLEASE REVIEW THE FOLLOWING AS SOME POLICIES HAVE CHANGED
If you plan to take any classes through St Francis High School, a GUARDIAN must communicate this with your counselor before the trimester deadline (below)- with specific courses requests and designate which hours you plan to attend (Beginning or end of day)
T1 Saints Online Enrollment Deadline = Monday August 19, 2024
T2 Saints Online Enrollment Deadline = Monday November 18th, 2024
T3 Saints Online Enrollment Deadline = Friday Feb 14th, 2025
No Enrollment changes to/ or From Saints Online WILL BE MADE FOR REQUESTS THAT COME IN AFTER THESE DATES.
Other important information about shared enrollment with SFHS
9th and 10th Grade - No Part Time Options (Must be either Full Time SFHS or Full Time Saints Online)
11th and 12th Grade- Part Time options must be consecutive hours at the start or end of the day. (ex: 1st and 2nd hour) Requests must be made within the given deadlines. Parents are required to email counselor permission.
Online students are expected to work on their course at home during that class period. SFHS will not be supervising SO students. (Saints Online is its own separate school with in the district, SFHS is not staffed to host SO students during the day)
Part Time SO / SFHS students must be able to provide their own transportation to and from SFHS.