Every student has their own journey through education and our job is to meet students and families where they are at and help them work towards their educational goals. The St. Francis Learning Center (SFLC) student support team looks at the unique needs of all our students to help our programs develop interventions, strategies, and individualized educational opportunities.

School Counselor
The SFLC school counselor works with students on social/emotional needs, educational and career goals, and academic support. The school counseling program at SFLC has a large group support focus by working with all staff and students to help create a supportive environment. There is also an individualized focus by working one on one with students on their mental health, social/emotional needs, crisis management, and academic skills such as organization and stress management. The goal of the school counseling program at SFLC is to help students work through their barriers to success and build tools that can help them work through the challenges they may face outside of school as well.
School Social Worker
School social workers work with students on their social skill development and they also help connect students and families with resources they may need. At SFLC our school social worker works with our special education team to help meet the needs of our students on Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) as well.
Special Education Teacher
The special education teacher works with students on IEPs to assure that they have their best opportunity possible to be successful in their educational goals. Case management depends on the grade level and needs of the student but the entire special education team at SFLC works hard to get to know their students and support them the best they can.
School Psychologist
School psychologists work as part of the SFLC student support team to look at individualized intervention options, mental health resources, and as a partner with our special education team when student assessments are needed for evaluation purposes.
Behavior Interventionist
Student safety and wellbeing is the number one priority for all staff at SFLC and the behavior interventionist helps support the entire student community with their safety and security. The behavior interventionist at SFLC works with students through the day to support them in learning to make positive choices in their behavior. Restorative practices are used as much as possible so students can have a reflective component to their behavior consequences. Every negative behavior is seen as a learning opportunity for our students.
Health Office
The health office at the SFLC helps with daily medical needs of students such as injuries, sicknesses, and general health questions and concerns. The health office also handles all distribution of medicine needed by students through the day by doctor’s orders. School nurses work with our student support team to make sure that students with medical needs are getting the proper support and accommodations they need to work towards their educational goals.